
I'm a computer geek by trade, and a writer by insanity. Or so I assume.

I wrote a book, only God knows why. She must have a great sense of humor. I shared the book with several friends, all of whom said it just has to get published. This is my new quest - to get published.

I actually have several characters, all demanding books, but the first will be the dearest to my heart. Jess deserves to be heard. Okay, so she swears like a sailor and her best friend is a closeted stock broker by day and reigning Drag Queen Diva by night, but she still deserves to be heard.

I never thought I'd write fiction. Jess started it - well, actually my grandfather did - but she was the first. Then Collie chimed in and Merie followed soon after. It's a circus in my head some days, and some days, I have to stop to write just to gain a bit of sanity back and be able to focus clearly on my work at hand. Married to one of THE best men on the planet, he so patiently listens to my yammering about what the girls have said that day. He's my rock, my soul mate, and my life. My BFF of several decades is gay and Puerto Rican. I adore him, as does my hubby.

I am still looking for an agent or a publisher and can be reached at:
jchanks at yahoo dot com
jchanks.author at gmail dot com

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