Sunday, December 31, 2017

Good Ridance 2017

While I'm not all that thrilled about getting older, I'm happy to say goodbye to 2017. It's been a rough year for a lot of people. Mother Earth hasn't been happy, throwing lots of strange weather our way from fires to hurricanes to tornadoes. If she was a toddler, I'd suggest she needs a nap.

Our country is in turmoil over the last election, protests are breaking out all over, and our politicians in DC are behaving like a tired, sugared up, kindergarten classroom running amok, with the teacher tied up in a corner somewhere. Family members are upset with each other over who voted for whom (did I get that who and whom correct?). Seriously, I think we all need a good nap and remedial lessons in listening and manners.

Family and friends were affected by the fires in California, those in Puerto Rico are still trying to get some fractional semblance of "normal" with limited electricity and potable water. Other friends around the country have been flooded out, or had their houses knocked down by tornadoes. It's be a roller coaster much of the year and this rider is ready for it to end.

I'm looking forward to my characters starting up their chats again. They've been far too quiet as they've stepped back to let me deal with all of the chaos. I could seriously use the diversion, although I have lots of things I need to get done, I would love to get some forward progress on their stories once more.

So bring on 2018! May it be filled with less chaos, more character chatter, higher word counts, open hearts, and a little bit of peace.

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